Reviews from clients and colleagues

Reporters listen to Ryan. It’s that simple. When our nonprofit, Bellis, had truly newsworthy stories to tell, Ryan engaged some of the area’s top reporters to tell these stories to the broader community. Each article has been so well done (because the reporters did excellent work) and had ripple effects for years. Cultivating trusting long-term connections with journalists takes time, credibility, and a lot of perseverance. Ryan always puts in the work, and the results are beyond expectations.
–Jenny Eldredge, Nonprofit Executive, Community Builder

Generating Results that Matter is at the core of what Pineapple RM offers its clients. When we need extra hands to help deliver on our brand promise, we don’t hesitate to tap Ryan Davenport’s experience and expertise. Ryan rolls up his sleeves, whether it’s being extra eyes and ears in a client meeting, interviewing stakeholders, writing content or pitching media. He’s an excellent extension of our agency team!
Rose McKinney, APR, Fellow, PRSA, Owner, Pineapple RM

I am so appreciative for all of Ryan’s work with LELS. He made us better as an organization. One of my first goals as the director was to get our members visibility in the media. He was the perfect partner for us and provided us a voice.
Sean Gormley, Executive Director, Law Enforcement Labor Services

I enjoyed working with Ryan at Boston Scientific. He is very insightful and executes to plan. His media relations network and skills led to our success.
Paul Underwood, MD, Medical Director, Boston Scientific

Ryan and I worked together at Fairview. He is a great talent, and his media relations and communications skills are exceptional. Ryan is experienced, professional, thoughtful and calm during challenging situations. On top of all of that, he is a great guy to work with and a team player.
Steve Housh, Vice President, Orthopaedic Services, HealthPartners

Ryan is perfect for media relations. He constantly establishes and nurtures relationships – with reporters, with colleagues, with leadership. He is smart and preps spokespeople for all the right questions. He brings new perspectives and identifies hooks that capture the story in compelling ways. His instincts are right on the mark.
Margaret Ann Hennen, Hennen Communications LLC

Ryan was my supervisor and work partner for nearly nine years at Fairview. I learned so much in our time together. He possesses so many of the qualities we all wish we had more of: intelligence, patience, diplomacy, kindness, responsiveness. He is also hilarious, when the opportunity presents itself. People seek out Ryan because he’s good to work with.
Jennifer Amundson, Associate Director for Media Advocacy, American Cancer Society, Cancer Action Network

Ryan is a media relations guru. His experience as a reporter gives him insight into the questions that a reporter may ask about a story. He is a fabulous media coach to senior leadership throughout the organization. Ryan has built solid relationships with reporters throughout the nation, and it shows in the great stories that Fairview has received in the press. He is a dedicated employee and truly wants the best for the organization. I have had several reporters tell me that Ryan makes their job easier and that they wish more organizations had a media relations team like ours.
Sarah Birkel, Marketing Operations Consultant, Fairview and University of Minnesota Health